Paper Flight
The objective of the game is to fly the plane through levels by switching fans and other appliances on and off. Try to control your speed depending on how far the next obstacles are.<br /><br />A tip would be to press space to pause end check out the area first. Have Fun&#33;<br />Click on the fan/appliance you want to switch on/off

Paper Flight Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores

No Scores Available
Game Title Paper Flight
Play Count 5292
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » V32 games
Scores 0
Current rating 0/5


0 # jack finney 09-07-2015 11:37
:-| :-* :oops: :o :o :-x :D :lol: ;-) ;-) :-* :oops: :oops: :sigh: :D :sigh: :roll: :-x :cry: :-* :-)
0 # jack finney 09-07-2015 11:37
fuck u :D :-) :eek: :sigh:
0 # Nayrisha 13-08-2015 02:48
I Like this game

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