Human Weapon
What they dont know could kill them

Human Weapon Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
29-04-2020 18:12:54 henning 8,862
13-01-2023 17:48:54 Tasos 1,681
Game Title Human Weapon
Play Count 7094
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » Newer Games
Scores 2
Current rating 0/5


0 # Eliyarov Eldar 54 21-03-2019 09:53
:D :-)
0 # Eliyarov Eldar 54 21-03-2019 09:55
:oops: :zzz :-) :-* :cry: :cry: :o :o :zzz :zzz :eek: :-x

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