Rat n Roll Pinball
Help Remy the rat escape from the kitchen in this exciting pinball game themed after the new hit movie Ratatouille

Rat n Roll Pinball Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
09-06-2023 18:28:29 ArcadeGuest 13,375
26-04-2020 02:32:53 Vallance 5,325
01-06-2023 20:41:49 Xemus30 3,660
04-12-2022 20:01:16 Synaptic 1,960
26-08-2018 08:06:34 caisili 1,025
03-10-2020 21:01:14 Aluminatae 810
23-08-2021 10:06:43 Tasos 765
Game Title Rat n Roll Pinball
Play Count 11157
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » Flipper
Scores 7
Current rating 0/5
Favoured 2

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