Winter Stars

Try to get as many stars as you can before your time runs out. Each star gives you 10 points. A shooting star gives you 1000 points. The more you fill up the power bar. the higher Kirsten will jump. When she jumps, you can sweep Kirsten across more stars.

Winter Stars Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
24-08-2022 18:47:57 Aluminatae 14,490
10-07-2018 12:04:23 caisili 9,010
22-05-2018 20:23:03 henning 3,590
09-12-2022 13:42:58 Tasos 680
Game Title Winter Stars
Play Count 5967
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » 2014 Games
Scores 4
Current rating 0/5

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